Sunday, February 28, 2010

I'm sitting in my bed next to my sound asleep husband. I am dreading waking him up to go to work because I know how tired he is. He has to work the night shift from 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM, drive an hour and a half to Anadarko to get our new license plates and tags, drive an hour and a half home, get in a couple hours of sleep, then be back at work from 3:00PM til 11:00 PM...

There is something wrong with this.

Last week JoRyan got an average of 3 hours of sleep per day. He has been working the night shift a lot at the hotel he works at. He has also been training for his new job-- he is going to be a driver's ed instructor at Merkley's Driving School-- so he has been working his little hiney off and sacrificing his sleeping hours to earn the money to pay the bills.
I love my husband. He brings so much joy into my life.

I can't wait to go to Denver this summer. JoRyan will be selling pest control with the same company my brother James has worked for the past two summers, and I'll get a full time job doing something else. We are so excited! Denver is a beautiful place, and I'm looking forward to the non-humid summer and the vast amount of outdoor activities...hiking, camping, boating, 4-wheeling, fishing, biking, etc. It's going to be a good summer (:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awww that's sweet Miche. You're going to Denver? Awesome cuz we'll most likely be in Grand Junction! We can see each other!